A students experimental project

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

REPORT meeting Wed Sept 17 at Kylemore Cafe

We met at 1800 on the dot, and finished at 1900 on the dot. I think we are marvellous!
Present Siobhan, Stephanie, Laura R, Elizabeth

Siobhan told us about a Conversation and Performance at IMMA Sept 26 1800-1939 (click link for info) This involves a shadow play.

Siobhan had printed out the Instructions/Script for us to discuss.

We covered various topics

For the butterfly, possibly use a dismantled collander - the metalic ones that are used for shaking the wet of lettuce. The weight of this might provide an interesting effect. Siobhan will bring wire and toolbox on Sunday.

Could other domestic items be used to make interesting shadows?
Fan and net curtain blowing in the wind
Steam from hot water

What about deep breathing, and loud heart-beat as part of sound-track

If we can make our own GOBOs, would our images be better positive, or negative?
Could we create a human-shape GOBO to create a halo around walker

Elizabeth may be able to get her daughter to do some camera-work
Idea is to use 3 x fixed cameras at different locations, and 1 x close-up camera.
Important not to cross the 'camera line'.
What would happen if we videoed the reflection in a large mirror?
Is there a large mirror available to us at the theatre?

Laura is willing to take responsibility for checking fixed cameras are set up properly.

Fading light during walking may provide a good effect.
I just realized that we didn't allocate anyone to manage the lights in the control room. Maybe Laura should do this rather than the cameras

The single most important item we have not dealt with is the issue of a screen, or some surface on which to project shadows.
Elizabeth will bring a sheet and clothespegs.

The soundtrack should be prerecorded, and the action fitted in to this, rather than attempting to record the sound live.
However, additional live sound might be possible e.g. tambourine

Next getting together is this SUNDAY Sept 21 at 1130 at Tallaght Theatre when we will shoot the project.
Everyone will bring domestic items that they think might make unusual shadows related to the walking theme of the narrative.

We will also get together after the performance at IMMA on FRIDAY Sept 26 2008 around 1945. North Range is where the performance is. (Means we can't stay till the end of the wine reception.)
This meeting will be to discuss what if anything can be done about editing the footage we have before we return to college on the following Monday, Sept 29.

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